What's with Zac Efron?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
While wandering around a book store with Michelle, we scoured the racks for new novels to add to the TBR pile (and checked to ensure that Bitten & Smitten and Angel with Attitude were on the shelves). When we reached the magazine section in search of the winter issue of Elevate magazine so that I could show off some of my recent articles, I wondered if Tiger Beat magazine was still being published.
Michelle pulled out a copy and waved it at me. On the cover was a fairly regular looking kid named Zac.
"Hey, isn't that the guy from High School Musical?" she asked."Think so," I said as I returned the mag to the rack.
Then we noticed that Zac Efron's face was on a lot of the covers of teen magazines. Actually, it looked like he was on all of them. Cover lines screamed at us:

Find out if Zac likes you!
Are you Zac's dream date?
Zac shares his secrets!
Free Zac poster inside!
"What's with Zac?" I asked aloud and flipped open one of the mags to read a bit about how Zac added 10 whole pounds to his burly 135-pound frame in preparation for his role in Hairspray.
"Maybe it's because most girls weigh more than him," Michelle snickered.
After reading a bit about his feelings about being labelled a heart throb (he doesn't know why girls are crazy about him, aw shucks) I felt the need to get away from all of those photos of Zac smiling at me. Within five feet of the rack, I felt the need to find out even more about him.
"Do you think he likes Diet Coke?" I asked my friend.
"Great. Now you're obsessed," Michelle said. "You're old enough to be his mother! Heck, even his grandmother."
And that's when I realized that it wasn't Zac I was obsessed with, but the reason for this craze for a relatively regular-looking 135-pound kid. Could it be that girls thought they'd have a chance with him? Better with him than with the hunky dudes out there?
Or am I just too old to get it?
posted by Bonnie Staring at 1:49 AM
I appreciate that you left out the dirty,dirty comments we made about him. We'll keep that just between us. Heh.
Zac forever!
Yeah, that would have totally creeped people out. And then Zac wouldn't return my 187 emails...
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