Please note that my original title idea for this post was going to be "Too much information", but then I read a few pages in The Quoteable Slayer. No big.

My reason for the title? I was doing research for my article - that was actually due on the 15th but was extended to the 18th due to the long weekend - when I came across way too much information on the web. Actual overload did occur.

Instead of a neat and tidy article, I ended up with an mass of ideas all vying for my attention. And we all know where that leads: Dr. Phil.

So I put all the ideas down in one document and walked away for a bit to let them fight it out amongst themselves. With a round of five card stud.

"You're bluffing," said my idea about female film festivals. "I'll raise you three reference checks."

My Sharon Stone quote left the table, hanging her head in unverified shame. The Mary Pickford filmography giggled as she dealt the next hand.

Oddly enough, when I returned to the article, some items did pale in comparison to others. You can see how it all worked out next month on

Now back to the WIP...