Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So when you get that fabulous email regarding that fabulous writing contest you've entered, you expect it to be, well, fabulous.
And it really sucks when it's not.
But it's not all heinous and nasty. Sometimes there really is a touch of silver in that descending cloud of doom. I'll be the first to admit I've been known to shake my fist at the sky and declare that some judges "don't know quality work when they see it!" Or that "my plot involving the marshmallows and the karaoke-loving zombie is totally believable!"
Yeah, it gets pretty darn interesting when I first review the results. Sometimes I play Pink Floyd's The Final Cut just to lighten the mood. Or Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. Good times, just pass the exorcism ritual guide and I'm all set. ;)
I really wish I could remember to not read the feedback right away, but that's like telling me not to think about chocolate. Or bad '80s videos. It's all part of who I am. Curious and blonde: a verra, verra dangerous combination.
So I had a fun August with three sets of scoresheets from various contests I entered and did not become a finalist in (the fools!). I ranted. I raved. Then the DH suggested I put the dreaded documents of constructive feedback away so that he and the cat could enjoy the last days of summer without hiding in the basement.
Grumbling, I tucked them (the documents, not the family members) into a drawer and waited four whole days before I looked at them again. Okay, maybe three. ;)
Then I started noticing something. With time, the evilness faded away and turned into something...useful. I even found myself nodding once or twice. Sure there were some instances where opinions were clearly divided (especially on the marshmallows being a weapon of mass destruction) and, in a few cases, the jury all agreed (like how some of the zombies weren't loving the karaoke enough to save the world).
It hurt at first, reading that my baby wasn't perfect and had a smelly diaper. But the diaper can be changed.
(Oh, I'm groaning too, my apologies.)
Based on the depth of the judges' feedback on my entries and the encouragement their words provided, I feel like I'm on the right path with this story, even though that diaper needs changing, big time.
And that was something unexpected.
How about you? Have you ever received feedback that changed the way you approached your work?
posted by Bonnie Staring at 12:30 AM
The feedback I just recently received was fantastic. Just what I needed ... well except one. I swear ever time I enter a contest a judge that is unpubbed and unpro always is the worst.
They actually said "YOU'LL NEVER PUBLISH!"
Ummm, too bad they don't actually know my name. LOL, but the other two, excellent feedback to help me tweak it the way I want and put it right back on track.
Of course I have a billion other projects to finish first.
Amy, you should let the contest coordinators know about that comment. It's uncalled for.
I'm like Bonnie and put away the comments for a while, then see if there's a theme. If one person doesn't "get it", I still look to see where I could strength my writing. It's hard to trust the comments of a person who is anonymous, but it's worth the effort to take a second look. I don't always change what I've written, but I'll look.
Darn, I forgot my name.
I'm too scared to enter contests... For the reasons above.
You'll have to add to your personal description: blonde, curious and BRAVE.
Okay Amy, I'm with Susanne on this one. You have to send a note to the coordinator about that particular judge. I'm amazed at what some people will say in their comments, especially when you consider that, as an unpubbed PRO, they may also be entering contests.
Susanne, thanks for identifying yourself!
You make a fabulous point about judges "getting" an entry. Sometimes it seems like some don't "get" anything at all, but it opens our eyes to examining how we're telling the story to see if it can improve. Even though it's perfect already, right? ;)
Wylie, you have children -- and for me that's scarier than anything else on the planet. Eek! But if I add brave to my description, will that make me a ninja?
Ouch. Amy.
Assuming that was our contest, let me know who it was. (I guess I can just read your score sheets... I tried to read at least one score sheet from each judge... but certainly didn't read all 475 score sheets, even though I kind of meant to.)
I learned a very important lesson from the last writing contest I entered.
Half assed entries done up the night before and not proofed properly probably shouldn't be entered. I learned that, unlike college and university I can't "Cram" a book and get away with it. I can't coast in writing - which is something new for me.
Although I did think one score was unnecessisarily harsh. I gave myself 12 hours to vent, binge and beat things with badminton raquets. Then I put them in the bottom drawer with the manuscript.
I'm ready for a fresh start =)
Oh Maureen, if you read every score sheet, we'd never see you at the meetings again! And when you'd finally appear, you'd respond in ratings from one to ten. ;)
Deborah, I shudder at the thought of you wielding that badminton racquet around your stained glass!
And I'll fess up: I've crammed an entry or two in my time. Then I made the mistake of looking at them the day after I sent it and lived in fear of the feedback for three months. Luckily, I survived. With chocolate.
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