The muse was kind to me this weekend (the lack of television viewing probably helped with that a lot) and I now have a mere 20-0r-so pages left to completely rewrite before I put all of the revisions into zee H&B Word doc.

If only my brain didn't feel like I've been working the Customer Service desk at a Wal-Mart for a month. My mind is fried. The inspiration train left only a few empty chip bags and the aroma of burning diesel behind. And no, not Vin Diesel, though he's so not my type.

So what I need now is a game plan to get back on the revision horse. And, thanks to a my overindulgent eating habits at the cottage, bribing myself with food is not an option. There is one thing that should inspire me to get everything -- computer edits and all -- by, say, July 22: the last Harry Potter.

I wouldn't be the only one planning a media and entire-life blackout as we struggle to remember to breathe as J.K. takes us on this final trip to Hogwarts. Yeah, I'm just like all of the other freaks who pre-ordered the book so I can show up at a bookstore at midnight to get a lightening-scar tattoo and drink some Polywog potion. Oddly enough, it tastes just like Orange Kool-Aid. ;)

Of course, I should be spending what precious little time I have left before Book 7's arrival sorting everything out to make room for dedicated reading time. Namely finishing H&B and that blasted query letter. Thankfully the synopsis is done (yay me!) so that's one less heinous activity I need to take care of before I'm swept away like the dimwitted Muggle that I am.

Okay, back to the rewrite...and I will celebrate its completion by posting a lovely Elvis song parody for Amy.

UPDATE: Thanks to The Grammar Geek I found a new way to pass some time:

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