Do you ever wonder...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I opened a document from a client today that bled on screen.
Seriously. Someone was doing the "track changes" dance to an extended remix that wouldn't end. Luckily the original words weren't mine, so I didn't feel sorry for the little darlings that didn't make it to the next round.
But then I started thinking, what if the tracked changes gremlins could talk? What secrets would they share? Would they have opinions on what was changed and what was left alone? Would they experience edit envy and want to make those changes themselves?
Here's what my track changes creature looks like. And yes, she's a gargoyle, not a gremlin.

You should see how she reacts to dangling modifiers. Scary.
Yeah, I've been working on revisions, can you tell?
And speaking of working on revisions and scary things, I'm attending a writing conference on my own this month. Solo. Just me, my laptop and a room full of friends I haven't met yet.
I'll be at the Lone Star Conference put on by the Northwest Houston chapter of Romance Writers of America on October 16!
I'm very excited because Randy Ingermanson will be running a workshop on the Snowflake Method of book plotting (which will make my brain explode, I'm sure) plus there are three great agents taking pitches (Christine Wittholn, Naomi Hackenberg and Amy Boggs) and lots of other stuff I'm too excited to remember.
Now what I do have to remember is to not get nervous, meet some awesome people and learn a whole bunch.
Are you going? Maybe we can sit together at lunch!
Seriously. Someone was doing the "track changes" dance to an extended remix that wouldn't end. Luckily the original words weren't mine, so I didn't feel sorry for the little darlings that didn't make it to the next round.
But then I started thinking, what if the tracked changes gremlins could talk? What secrets would they share? Would they have opinions on what was changed and what was left alone? Would they experience edit envy and want to make those changes themselves?
Here's what my track changes creature looks like. And yes, she's a gargoyle, not a gremlin.

You should see how she reacts to dangling modifiers. Scary.
Yeah, I've been working on revisions, can you tell?
And speaking of working on revisions and scary things, I'm attending a writing conference on my own this month. Solo. Just me, my laptop and a room full of friends I haven't met yet.
I'll be at the Lone Star Conference put on by the Northwest Houston chapter of Romance Writers of America on October 16!
I'm very excited because Randy Ingermanson will be running a workshop on the Snowflake Method of book plotting (which will make my brain explode, I'm sure) plus there are three great agents taking pitches (Christine Wittholn, Naomi Hackenberg and Amy Boggs) and lots of other stuff I'm too excited to remember.
Now what I do have to remember is to not get nervous, meet some awesome people and learn a whole bunch.
Are you going? Maybe we can sit together at lunch!
Labels: adventures, RWA, writing
posted by Bonnie Staring at 11:44 PM
Have fun at the conference! I'm waiting to hear where I placed in the Lone Star contest but I think I'll be out of cell range at my own writers' retreat when they make the calls!
I'll be sure to cheer loud enough for you to hear when they call your name! Enjoy your retreat!
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