Waving buh-bye to May
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thanks honey. ;)
But my June is looking kind of doable. I'm not hyperventilating too much, despite the game show appearance and still not having the revisions done on the current WIP. It's the bane of my existence right now -- I may need to seek therapy (chocolate or retail) to get me over this last hump and start submitting it.
Is it possible to have separation anxiety with a Word document?
And as tempted as I am to start working on the shiny next project, I can't. After all this time I owe this WIP a satisfying rewrite, even if my schedule needs an overhaul.
This is the novel that has taught me the perils of writing by the seat of my pants: stuff gets all messed up and ya gotta fix it all in revisions. Ugh.
Now this doesn't mean I'm a convert to the glory of outlines. I don't think I'm ever going to be the type of writer who can plan every last detail before I sit down to write, but I will approach things with some sort of idea about where I'm headed.
It's just that planning doesn't sound all that exciting. I put it up there with laundry and dusting, which I get the DH to do since I'm the luckiest woman alive. ;)
June is the month when big things will happen. Science trivia questions will be answered (hopefully some by me) and the revisions will reach a successful end.
They better or I'm gonna get all twitchy, bitchy and kind of nuts.
How about you? Do you have a secret for finally getting that project done?
posted by Bonnie Staring at 11:22 PM