What a week!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Completed another week of onsite full-time hours (it's amazing how quickly I forget the way most businesses operate), managed to avoid the temptation of giving the completed manuscript a good proofing (I'm waiting until August) and ended up winning tickets to the upcoming Depeche Mode concert. Sweet!

Oh, and Zaphod turned two on Wednesday -- and decided a party would interfere with his napping schedule. He's asked for a new window to perch on for next year. ;)

With all this going on, I've still managed to do some outlining for the next novel. Being another novel for young adults, I've done some more research on the approach I should take. Actually, the workshops on writing for kids (and adults who think they're kids) that I attended at Polaris really gave me food for thought.

Hey, who needs to go to RWA Nationals when I can attend groovy workshops right here in Toronto? And let's not forget the uber-informative workshops my local RWA chapter offers.

But I don't want to make the mistake of thinking way too much so that I run out of steam before I even put pen to paper. As a pantser by heart, outlining is kind of painful for me. Helpful, yes, but part of me feels that planning takes the fun out of things.

This, coming from a woman who used to be a project manager and still is a control freak, strikes me as funny. But when it comes to my writing, the only thing I want to plan is putting my butt in the chair. If only that could lead to novels that don't need to be rewritten four times. ;)

Maybe I just need the right inspiration for organizing my writing:

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posted by Bonnie Staring at 11:07 PM 0 comments

Things I learned from the Polaris convention

Monday, July 13, 2009

For those not in the know, Polaris is a very cool convention that celebrates all things science fiction. It's roots are based on Toronto Trek, which DH and I used to attend many, many years ago.

This was my first time at Polaris, and I rode on the coattails of Michelle Rowen, who participated on some panels, signed some books and even did a reading from Stakes & Stilettos. The Klingons were strangely absent for that one. ;)

And i must confess that I did not partake in the entire three-day event: I was only there for eleven hours. Some were longer than others.

Here's what I learned:

Favourite new saying: Enough with the Battlestar Dramatica!

1. Stormtrooper costumes come in kids' sizes.

I probably knew this already, but it was nice to be reminded that Star Wars really is fun for the whole family.

2. Spending an hour in a room with BSG fans is fracking insane.

I thought us Trekkers had it bad. Not only did these fine people dissect a "fave" scene, they even debated the finer points of goals, motivation and conflict in character development. It was kind of like being at RWA Nationals. Only with Cylons.

And check out this video promoting the event.

3. Darth Vader is a gentleman.

We could hear him from our lunch table and, for the briefest moment, as he followed us to the Dealers' Room. But, at one point in the evening, he stepped aside to let Michelle and I pass, sweeping his black robe out of the way so we wouldn't wreck his chances for a date at the Masquerade Ball.

4. People always stop and chat in tight spaces.

Be it the Dealers' Room or the Art Gallery, some humans (and other life forms) feel the need to gather and block traffic, keeping people away from Buffy and X-Men merchandise. And why is all the really cool art not for sale?

And, last but not least:

5. Some fans should invest in a mirror.

Seriously people. I want to be awed by your costume, not ewwed. At one point, when all that stood between me and a David Duchovny signed photo was a jiggly mass trying to escape from a too-tight Xena outfit, I had an idea. Why not create a product that's the size of a pepper-spray canister yet shoots clothes onto people. It could change lives, especially at next year's event.

All in all, it was a lot of fun. And I resisted the urge to buy any trading cards -- or costumes. ;)

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posted by Bonnie Staring at 12:21 AM 0 comments

So I did the Facebook thing

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm still kind of in shock. I mean, I never really planned on joining Facebook. There were all those reasons I had:

1. It scared me.
2. I was afraid that only strange men who wanted to trade me for camels would be the only ones to invite me to be their friend.
3. It would take over my life, so much so that I wouldn't have time to exercise on a regular basis.

and finally,

4. It really scared me.

While there were all perfectly good reasons, something kept on bugging me. Okay, more like someones -- mainly my pals Michelle, Joanne and Laura. They'd pledged Facebook allegiance eons ago and, every once in a while, would tease me about how all the cool kids were members.

Then they all said it was fun. And helped them lead fulfilling lives.

So, in a moment of weakness, I joined. And it's true: it is fun!

Okay, perhaps it's really Crackbook, not Facebook, as my pal Andrea called it on "my wall," but I've been assured by everyone that the urge to update my status and look up friends every ten seconds will eventually subside. Which is a good thing, since I have to get a bunch of work done over the next few weeks. ;)

I've connected with people I haven't spoken to in years -- and it's as scary and exciting as I thought it would be. Then I have to remind myself to take it slow and not expect everyone to expect me to hold a big par-tay with chocolate fountains and cabana boys.

Even though that really sounds appealing right now.

A sad farewell
And yes, it saddened me to watch coverage of Michael Jackson's funeral today. Poor Paris; my heart went out to that girl. I hope that the media will leave her and the rest of her family alone while they grieve.

I still remember when my mom bought Thriller to use as her exercising soundtrack. This may have something to do with my fear of zombies.

Rest in peace, Michael, and thanks for the great tunes.

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posted by Bonnie Staring at 10:44 PM 0 comments

It is done... I think

Friday, July 3, 2009

It's about time I took a peek out of the cave of revisions to proudly proclaim that the revisions to the WIP that just won't die have been completed!

Well, almost.

I know there's two scenes that need some description added in, as right now they're mainly dialogue. While what my characters are saying might be interesting, it would be best if they weren't sitting in an empty room a la Picard and Data on the holodeck. ;)

All I need right now is a little breathing room before I give this puppy a final read-through and give things a polish and, where needed, a touch of narrative or description. Who knows? If I'm feeling punchy I might even toss in a dash of introspection.

Then I'll finally be able to get to that other novel that's pouting in the corner. No, it's just giving me attitude and playing really loud tunes.

So while I should be celebrating, I feel I can't yet. Not until it's really, completely, totally done. But, according to what other writers have said, that really doesn't happen until the book is printed. And until I start actively submitting this, that won't happen for a while.

Nothing like starting a new month on a somewhat uplifting downer. Le sigh.

Oh no, I'm not going to let my own self-doubts take this moment away from me:

It's done! Hooray!"

Now if only I had abs like that. ;)

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posted by Bonnie Staring at 5:11 PM 4 comments