Scrambled and fried
Friday, February 1, 2008

There are a number of projects on my plate that just don't seem to be going away. Even a healthy sprinkling of fairy dust hasn't done anything for me. (Shouldn't have left the cap off, I guess.)
But all I can do is work through it all one step at a time. At least we finally got the Christmas decorations down yesterday. And no, we don't do outdoor lights -- we leave that up to the folks across the street with the alien spacecraft landing-pad lighting that stays on their roof all year long. ;)
I must hang my head in shame as my extended deadline for the first draft of my current WIP passed an hour ago, and I'm nowhere near "THE END." Heck, I'm barely approaching the middle, yet I have a gazillion notes jotted down on scraps of paper, expired coupons and backs of bills scattered around the house.
There's no one to blame but me. Sure, I did make getting an hour a day in on the document a priority, but I fell into the trap of rereading everything from page one. By the time my hour was up, I'd barely get a page worth of new content! Ack!
So I am moving my deadline to February 29, 2008. And I mean it this time. Stamp saved.
But first, I need to get some z's.
posted by Bonnie Staring at 1:20 AM
Awww poor you. You need to do Christine's write ins with us. 30 minutes writing, no surfing etc., THEN break for 15 then start again.
It's intense.
See, what you need is a good reward at the end of it (or a good punishment if you don't...)
I made a deal that if I don't finish the first draft of my WIP by Wednesday, a beta gets to embarrass me on live TV. (tho, is S&C filmed live?, ok, national TV *grin*). With that threat looming, I *have* to finish it.
Er, crap. I better get writing... ;)
You're an inspiration to all of us looking to postpone finishing our books...oh wait. That didn't come out quite right :)
Good luck meeting your leap year deadline!
Oh Amy, that does sound intense. I've just got to stop revising when I should be writing...and taking time out to watch Celebrity Apprentice. ;)
Laurie, I was wondering why Michelle was asking me to pick up a can of spray cheese for Wednesday. LOL
ROFL Mike! But you know, it's amazing what a difference a day makes...okay, I'll put the spray cheese down now.
I feel ya, sistah. I'm having a really tough time with BIC process at the moment, hence - no goal has yet been met in this new year (yet!).
In my best Little Orphan voice:Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll do it, tomorrow,it's only a day away
May all of our tomorrows be as productive as we'd like them to be. ;)
Deadlines are just guidelines, until they're really deadlines. I long for a real one... Sigh.
I took down (most) of my Christmas decorations on Saturday. Still haven't tackled the lights (indoor) that my BIL put up with a freakin' staple gun. (I gave him permission. Boys...)
I've decided they're Valentines lights now. Then maybe Easter ones.. Actually, they look nice in my living room. Perhaps they live there now.
Wow, Maureen, you had Groundhog Day lights! Talk about kewl...
You can have a few of my deadlines if you want. How about the next Heroscope for the TRW newsletter? (I won't tell Wylie if you won't!)
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