Watch "Stuck" on W Network tonight!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hey guys, if you haven't been over here recently, you may not be aware that I'm part of a new show on Canada's W Network. It's called Stuck, and it's about seven women who feel stuck about their lives, so they band together to do something about it.
Stuck starts airing tonight (May 14) at 9:30 on W Network. There are 13 fabulous episodes.
Consider this your personal (okay, as personal as you can get on a blog) to tune in:
Stuck starts airing tonight (May 14) at 9:30 on W Network. There are 13 fabulous episodes.
Consider this your personal (okay, as personal as you can get on a blog) to tune in:

posted by Bonnie Staring at 10:08 AM
You're going to be on tv?
No way!!
And look at you, right in the middle!
Hey, Wylie, we'd better get a basket of rose petals to strew on the floor in front of Bonnie when she comes to the next meeting. And we'd better practice those 'Bonnie-whoops' ...
Whoo whoo ... no, that's too low. *Leah raises her voice a couple octaves, and a hundred decibel.* Whoo Whoo Bonnie! You Go girl!
OMG -- you were FABULOUS!!!
Best line of the entire show - and I think it was a preview of next week's episode, was you explaining the chocolate sundae in your freezer:
"I bought it because I had a coupon for a free one" LOL
Oh - and the one about the machine judging you was too funny!
Yes I just watched you and was going to make the same comment about the ice cream.
I also laughed out loud about your clock "No it's not maternal!"
Hey, you're not the only one that has those machines telling you your below average. I feel your pain. :)
HUGS!! I can't wait to watch you gals next week. :)
Thanks to everyone for watching!
Leah: That's WHOO WHOO! No rose petals, just money please. And make sure you guys use paper bills -- those loonies and toonies can really hurt. ;)
Wylie: Hey, you know I can't resist a deal. I should really be more careful of what I say when the cameras are rolling. ;)
Amy: Oh yeah, the relationship between the treadmill and I will be fully explored in the weeks to come. LOL
I have just heard about this show, is there anyway to find this series on dvd?
Thank you,
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