Oh. Mah. Gawd. There I was, minding mah own bizness when I noticed that a) there wasn't any snow on the ground; b) the dandelions were taking over; and c) I haven't needed to wear my fuzzy bunny slippers for at least three days.

Must be spring. For real. That means summer is gonna be here next week. ;)

And it's a perfect time for a goal check, if you ask me. So let's see where I'm at:

1. Stay active
STATUS: Oh crap.
Oh dear. I kind of fell off the treadmill and into a tub of ready-to-spread frosting on this one. It's amazing how one missed trip to the gym can turn into a week. Le sigh. Okay, back on the horse for me.

2. Finish two more books
STATUS: Halfway there!
Whoo hoo! I am mere inches away from a big fat "THE END" on my first novel for 2009, and totally ready to start on my second novel for 2009 in about a week.

3. Land a literary agent
STATUS: Not yet.
Must write "THE END" (and rework the stinky synopsis) before I start submitting the novel mentioned above.

4. Do it already
STATUS: On it!
List of things in progress are: auditioning for a game show, going hot-air ballooning, seeing Aerosmith in September (one of my life's to-dos as I am a babe of the '80s) and a bunch of other things. Hooray!

5. Give back
STATUS: On it! (see Goal #6)

6. Declutter
STATUS: On it! (in tandem with Goal #5)
DH and I have gone through boxes upon boxes of items and have donated them to a women's shelter, to Goodwill and to toy drives. The best was donating some items to a neighbourhood school to be used as part of their raffle to raise funds for their breakfast and after school programs. Of course, if I buy some tickets the odds are I'll win my own stuff back. LOL

7. Quality time
STATUS: Needs work
I miss my peeps. And I make it way too hard to gather with others. Le sigh. Must stop using the WIP as an excuse to stay cooped up in the house with the cat.

8. Time off
STATUS: In progress
The one-day off a week is going pretty well if we don't include March and April. ;)

9. Let go
STATUS: In progress
Hey, I can't get it all done in five months. There's way too much to cling to!

10. Laugh more
STATUS: On it!
Thanks to some great books, truly tasteless TV shows and great people I hang with (but not often enough), my laughter quotient is at an excellent level.

And I don't think I'm doing too bad, considering that some of these tasks are totally going against age-old habits of yore.

How about you? How are your goals for 2009 holding up?

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