Oh my goodness, there are only five more episodes to go! :(

I was very relieved to see things work out as well on the show as they did in reality for Mary and I. Sure, her timing might have been better (she brought up how hurt she was over my comment right after I told the gals how great I was feeling about myself), but at least she said something instead of keeping it all bottled up inside. It's great that she had the courage to speak up.

And it was great to have the other women (especially Tracy and Nicole) point out what was really happening: Mary's stress was reaching new heights. This was a really awkward time for me, as Mary caught me off guard just when I thought I could "be myself" around the group. It's not her fault I'm uncomfortable in groups and it's not my fault that she had way too much going on. Our journeys simply collided for all to see.

And now I can go out in public again. ;)

It is also my duty to warn you that yoga is HARD. Especially if you're like me and can't keep your balance for longer than a nanosecond. Ugh. There was a lot of sweat involved -- and I have tossed out that pink shirt, what was I thinking? I looked like a big lumpy piece of Bubblicious!

The clutter in Tracy's office shocked me. It makes my home office look organized, which is so wrong on too many levels. Can she work her way through all that stuff while working full time, working on her acting career, working out and trying to eat healthy?

Well, you'll just have to stay tuned.

What I find really cool about watching the show is seeing how we're all getting to know each other. Remember, except for Mary and Magnolia, none of us knew each other before this all started. And what we've shared with each other many of us probably haven't shared with our normal circle of friends.

And maybe that's something we can all learn from: being open about our fears, desires and motivations. Sure, it's easy to get caught up in busy schedules and surface stuff, but sometimes all it takes to truly connect with someone is to sit back and listen to what they have to say.

Just don't try it with seven women all in one room together at first. LOL
