Don't look so surprised people. Our boys from the "T dot O dot" know how to rock the house. Although I resisted the urge to watch most of the Supernova episodes, I did get all caught up yesterday and today hoping that Dilana would get the gig. After all, she has that total rocker babe thing going on, and enough tattoos to compete with Tommy Lee.

My fave saying of the series has to be Tommy Lee's "Dude, that was sauteed in wrong sauce" - pure genius. You'll see that in my novel, for sure. Heck, that might be the title!

But back to Toronto. Since I worked at a particular tourism board for Canada's largest city, I can proudly tell you that over 5 million people live in the Greater Toronto Area. Most, as far as I can tell, are not rock stars, as they are on the subway before 9:00 a.m. According to my research, rock stars don't see noon.

But congrats to the annoying and over-eyelinered Lukas. I'm sure that I'll be missing the tour, but right now I'll pump my fist into the air like any proud Canadian should, eh?